Why We Love Our Reach Potential Community

- or how they could change their responses through the use of neural reprogramming via the special techniques that Fiona and I pioneered together.

This core group with a few additions and a few departures continues to take part in advanced Siramarti Process workshops to this day.

As the founders of Reach Potential, we find a special joy in belonging to this tribe who know they can share their personal growth challenges with each other in safety, who see with their own eyes the progress that each person has made, and the real difference they are making to help others and the planet.

Although the group consists of people who like to be of service to others, to care for them, to teach or uplift what we enjoy most is that all of these individuals shine because they very much themselves. They share the common language of Siramarti but they use it to speak with their own voices.

It is our experience that sharing the Siramarti journey even with only one other person brings a level of quiet but deep connection that is exceptional in this too often disconnected and noisy world. We recommend it!

Suzie and Fiona