Why Soul Relationships Are Both Beautiful and Challenging

One of the most beautiful aspects of humanity is its desire to love and to allow love to change its evolutionary trajectory.

Of course, love is a huge topic - far bigger than a person can possibly encompass in one lifetime, or even in all human lifetimes. But we choose, many of us, to advance our knowledge of this matter by actively looking for relationships that will allow us to learn more. 

Those relationships where you choose to explore, hone and expand your understanding of love, are soul relationships.

Human soul relationships are those created by beings of a like nature, like in that sense that they are people who wish to expand their experience of love through a recurrent contract to meet one another and grow together in physical form, sometimes over many lifetimes. Soul relationships are very complex, ever-changing, deep in their ability to strip away illusory layers of the personality to reveal issues which each person wishes to explore in the name of refining their own ability to love and be loved. No matter how difficult soul relationships are, they almost always expand consciousness of what love is and what it is not.

Soul relationships are designed, among other things, to help each individual learn who they really are - to bring out the highest potential within. This, as you know, is a journey fraught with difficulty because often the potential of each person is encrusted in thick layers of discomfort. This is one of the reasons why people may embroider the beauty of relationships that appear to work superficially because they do not want accept the discomfort that lies beneath a shiny surface.

However soul relationships do not tolerate denial for long - maybe years of a lifetime, but not very long in terms of the human intention to evolve. One of the reasons why many relationships at this time in history are so difficult and apparently transitory is the fact that we are choosing to change so rapidly. A soul relationship that may have, in the past, lasted twenty years, tolerating various forms of denial may now last only a few years before the demand to grow asserts itself on both parties. This need to grow manifests itself in conflict. Conflict is a sign of the need to change or expand your consciousness.

Soul relationships have patterns of development associated with them: sometimes you choose a soul relationship to last only for one phase of your lifetime - such as being a child with a particular soul parent whose job is to give you certain nourishment or experience that will form the basis of your future development in a limited but very significant way. Other times you will choose souls to travel with you throughout many decades as friends because they supply a comforting memory of the eternal nature of love. These ones are just as much soul relationships as the more difficult ones, but the choice has been to rest with enjoyment or peace, but not a great deal of growth.

What many of you are now desiring, and searching for, are relationships that meld the two aspects - the limitations within relationship that assist personal growth, and the ongoing benefits of a rich and rewarding connection.  That is, you will focus on working with the limitations to personal power or the synergy of rich and rewarding connection. Neither aspect is better or worse than the other. However, owing to polarity imbalance, you tend to split your relationships into either of the two categories. As you will learn in your exploration of relationship at a soul level, it is impossible create dual purpose relationships unless you take full responsibility for your own life, and at the same time, accept the necessity to increase the ways to connectedness with the other that is part of love’s nature.

Unfortunately, there is a great deal of collective confusion - many erroneous beliefs - about loving relationships that needs to be dismantled in your consciousness before this will be possible. You have, in recent decades, arrived at a watershed of beliefs: some would like to hold on to a view that caring and sharing are the only things needed to ensure love, others would prefer to believe that, when love is real, it needs no exertion to expand the ways in which you make your connection.  However, as I have said before, soul relationships are by their nature intended to expand your capacity for love and, therefore, over time you will always unconsciously look to more ways to experience it. The secret to long-lasting love in a monogamous relationship is to keep it moving. (There are some who will not wish to do that - and if that is so, do not love yourself the less for that. Finding new ways to experience the joys of love is a worthy way to express your soul.)

The key to a sense of rewarding love lies in your ability to work with the range of your feelings. Love exists in all aspects of your consciousness, but it is accessed through being willing to open yourself up to all the shades of feeling. Those who are most capable of love’s demands are those willing to delve into the range and source of their feelings, both positive and negative. From there you can uncover both the myths and illusions that currently stand in your way and the passion and compassion that binds. However, without a strong foundation in loving yourself the task is formidable

Love within human relationships requires truth in adversity, and the courage to go beyond the known way in times of plenitude.

Copyright 2014 Siramarti Publishing Pty Ltd

Author: Suzie St George