Learn How to Make Life Changes Easy and Enjoyable

The Siramarti Process is uniquely designed to help you handle change with creativity and ease.

Here is my story.

My husband and I own a lovely old house in a pretty country town.  We bought it in the late nineties when it was just a poor old lady who had been neglected for years because her owners had little money for her upkeep. Over the years we slowly renovated her until she has become the gracious residence she is today.  I love this house because, apart from its wonderful location, it is decorated to our tastes, has a pleasant garden, all the conveniences we like, and radiates a sense of old-fashioned beauty, and peace. Why should we even consider a change?

The reason? The inevitable process of life means that our needs are now very different than twenty years ago. I knew that one day we would have to ‘downsize’ – a unpleasant word suggesting the kind of shrinking process associated with getting old – but, like most of stick-in-the-mud humanity, I don’t have much appetite for change.

Nevertheless, one morning I woke up and realised it was time to look hard facts in the eye and apply myself to making this inevitable change work for me the Siramarti way: with ease and liberal dash of inspiration.

I began by observing the factual reality: to assess what is working for us in our present home, and what is not.

Truthful observation of the facts is the first stepping-stone in the Siramarti Process.

That analysis led me to accept that the house is now too big for our needs. It is on an acre of land, which takes up a lot of time to maintain. We could make better use of our resources by building a house that would suit us now.  However, at this point it is important not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. So, I felt into my gratitude for those aspects of the house that I would want to create in a new home: Beauty, elegance, airiness, a lovely view, and its easy trips to shops etc.

The second step in a Siramarti change process is to create a dream for the change. What exciting new life might be created by letting go of the current limitations?

This was not hard to imagine: Less work, more time, and more money for new adventures. My husband loves projects and has always had a passion for sustainable housing. While it was once very hard to do that, there are now many inspiring and financially viable options available. I began to envision a fresh, cleverly designed, stylish house with a small permaculture garden that is a testament to a better way of living on Earth.

At this point, the third principle of of the Siramarti Process kicks in.  You must identify the emotional implications of any decision so that you can release those emotions that would argue against change. This is always the nitty gritty moment.

In my case, I had dozens of reasons to resist change. I might be leaving nearby friends and family behind; I might never find as good a location especially as the current house is close to shops, walking paths and a beloved forest. it takes a long time to make a house a home, and so why give up my ‘perfect’ one? It is a big effort to sell and buy again. And so on …  

However, here is where the power of Siramarti techniques come into their own. Siramarti techniques create a magical change of perspective that relieves those emotions and negative beliefs that stand in the way of making change a fully positive experience. I won’t bore you with a list of the techniques that I have used over several months. It’s sufficient to say that I am now genuinely excited and energised by the thought of a new life and a new home.

Therefore, we are on the fourth stage of the Siramarti change process. Time to act. Get down to business in a steady step-by step-way.

We decide what needs to be done to get the house for resale. We get quotes on the price we might ask for. We begin to explore possible new locations and building companies. I mention our plans to a friend who comes up with some great ideas and recommendations. As I write, a builder friend is upgrading our front veranda and a painter is coming to discuss repainting parts of the house.

So, off we go to our new, easier, changed life. Of course, as this is an adventure, there here will be more choices to make, more adjustment to our ideas as obstacles arise, but the more I allow this process of making change easy, the more life flows without drama.

You may well believe that the changes you want to make – or are being thrust upon you - are far more complex than selling a house. Of course, that is often true.  Nevertheless, the steps I have described can be adjusted to every situation. Begin always by clearing fear of change. The Siramarti technique Releasing Fear of Change can be found in the Silver Membership/Silver Techniques.

Author: Suzie St George

Photo Credit: Gert Altman @ Pixaby

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